The International Association
of Hyperpolyglots
Est. 2016
Critical Polyglot Studies
Critical Polyglot Studies is a pathbreaking book co-authored by HYPIA Director of Research Dr. Carlos Yebra Lopez and HYPIA President Dr. Usman W. Chohan. It serves as the "HYPIA Handbook," and it offers a self-reflective, critical approach to the study of what is popularly known as polyglossia, charting the gradual but marked process of its commoditization over the last twenty years and offering a counterpoint to mainstream positivist treatment of serial language learning. First, from a diagnostic standpoint, the book examines the rise and consolidation of the Polyglot Community in the sociopolitical and economic context of its gradual transformation into and partial overlap with the Polyglot Industry and its ideological tenets (The Polyglot Matrix). Second, from a prognostic standpoint, the book posits Critical Polyglot Studies (CPS) as a much-needed counter to the many theoretical and practical shortcomings of the Polyglot Industry-cum-Matrix, presenting the main programmatic points and illustrative best practices and institutional case studies of this alternative paradigm. CPS is conceived as both a research orientation and as a strategic attempt to elicit debate and draw in a wider range of polyglossia scholars, offering readers with actionable tools to contribute to this emerging academic and activist endeavour. Constituting the first critical and systematic analysis of polyglossia as a globalized phenomenon, this book will be of interest to scholars of linguistics, cultural studies, critical theory, and sociology. The book is published by Routledge in 2025.
Papers of the International Association of Hyperpolyglots
Occasional working papers produced by members of HYPIA

1. Who is a Hyperpolyglot? [link]
2. Gender and Hyperpolyglotism: Addressing a Myth [link]
3. The Anarchist Principles of an Association of Hyperpolyglots [link]
4. The Challenge of Selecting Hyperpolyglots: A HYPIA Approach [link]
5. The New Economy and Languages: HYPIA in Neoliberalism [link]
6. The Construction of an Association of Hyperpolyglots: HYPIA [link]
7. Multilingualism as a Value: the International Association of Hyperpolyglots [link]
8. The Case for Rare-Language Specialists at HYPIA [link]
A Teacher By Profession, Hyperpolyglot By Passion
A face framed with a spectacle and smile hides the linguistic superpowers of Pritha Mukherjee. A city schoolteacher, Mukherjee, is fluent in not three or four but, hold your breath, ten languages.
"I feel I can connect with a larger group of people by speaking to them in their mother tongue. Language is the roadway to someone's heart," Mukherjee says while talking about her passion for languages.
Эта книга – не учебник иностранного языка. Здесь не будет упражнений на предлоги или абстрактных лайфхаков. Автор приглашает вас на коуч-сессию, где вы разберете, как эффективно учить язык именно вам. Прочитав эту книгу, вы увидите: изучение языка – не бесконечный хаотичный процесс, а еще один проект, который вы сможете завершить. Вас ждет:
– Проектный подход от аналитика-айтишника. Вы найдете «узкие места» в своем обучении и построите план, с которым совершите прорыв в языке.
– Лайфхаки от полиглота. Познакомитесь с лучшими техниками изучения языка и подберете те, что подходят именно вам.
– Поддержка от психолога. Поймете, почему с вами «все так», даже если вы учили язык годами. Научитесь управлять своей мотивацией и получать удовольствие от языка, забудете про самосаботаж и выгорание.
Книга включает коучинговые задания и более ста практических инструментов на разные случаи жизни – подготовка к собеседованию, работа, эмиграция. Посвящается всем, кто пробовал много раз и не увидел результатов, кто считает, что язык – это скука и зубрежка, кто тонет в море информации, не зная, с чего начать.
Ladino on the Internet: Sepharad 4
Dr. Carlos Yebra Lopez
Director of Research HYPIA
Ladino on the Internet constitutes the first critical and systematic account written in English on the online revitalisation of Ladino. This book conclusively demonstrates that nowadays the global Ladino-speaking community connects first and foremost online, which calls for a full, comprehensive examination of the web-based development of the Sephardic diaspora (including that of Ladino) as a qualitatively different stage, termed ‘Sepharad 4’ .
Sem Límite: Guía definitivo para aprender qualquer idioma sozinho
Depois de estudar mais de 20 idiomas, o professor Patrick Lencastre, membro da Associação Internacional de Hiperpoliglotas (HYPIA) e fundador da Master Academy, Escola online que já treinou mais de 500 executivos, linguístas, médicos e oficiais por todo o mundo, agora reuniu suas principais técnicas nesse livro incrível.
Aprendamos Tainonaiki - Let's Learn Tainonaiki
Available in eBook format on all Amazon sites, including Amazon UK: click here
"Aprendamos Tainonaiki - Let's Learn Tainonaiki" is the ultimate bilingual (Spanish-English) guide for learning Tainonaiki, the modern Taino language. This updated edition, following the success of Javier A. Hernández’s first book, introduces essential new vocabulary, comprehensive grammar rules, key verbs, and practical sentence structures, all designed to make learning Tainonaiki accessible and effective.
The Polyglot Journey: How to Become Fluent in Multiple Languages
Available in eBook format on all Amazon sites, including Amazon UK: click here
The Polyglot Journey: How to Become Fluent in Multiple Languages, by Javier A. Hernandez, explains the basics that you need to know about languages in general; the social, professional, and cognitive benefits of multilingualism; and how to learn foreign languages using the same methods, techniques, and strategies that he used to learn his various languages so that you too can aspire to become a polyglot.
Learning Languages Made Easy: A Step-by-Step Guide to Achieve Conversational Language Proficiency
Available in eBook format on all Amazon sites, including Amazon UK: click here
Embark on an enriching journey into the world of languages with "Learning Languages Made Easy: A Step-by-Step Guide to Achieve Conversational Language Proficiency," the latest masterpiece by renowned linguist, polyglot, and acclaimed language educator, Javier A. Hernandez. This comprehensive guide is an invaluable resource for anyone aspiring to learn a new language, whether for personal enrichment, professional advancement, or cultural exploration.
Javier A. Hernandez, a certified Spanish, ESL, and world language educator in the State of New Jersey, brings his extensive experience and passion for language education to this meticulously crafted book. As an author of multiple language learning books and an advocate for language preservation initiatives, Hernandez offers a unique perspective that blends academic rigor with practical insights.
Ova Dalmatinka jedina je naša hiperpoliglotkinja: ‘Turski sam naučila iz ljubavi prema suprugu i mojem novom domu‘
How many languages you speak, how many people you are worth - it has always been said - therefore polyglots among us are beings worthy of our affection and admiration in advance. But what about hyperpolyglots, those whose ability to learn and use languages is such that they deserve their own special club?
Intervista a Francesco Bruno: mindset, lingue ed obiettivi
Francesco Bruno, Italian hyperpolyglot and fellow HYPIA member, talks about mindset, languages, concrete goals and perseverance. in this complete interview from Pensare Minimal. Click here!
Carmen Santamaría: Enhance English Pronunciation & Avoid Discombobulation
Available in eBook format on all Amazon sites, including Amazon UK: click here
Available in paperback on all Amazon sites, except for Amazon UK.
United States: click here
Germany: click here
France: click here
Spain: click here
Italy: click here
Canada: click here
Lindsay Shorten: Language learning for busy bees
Available in eBook format on all Amazon sites, including Amazon UK: click here
Available in paperback on all Amazon sites, except for Amazon UK.
United States: click here
Germany: click here
France: click here
Spain: click here:
Italy: click here
Canada: click here
“Estudar idiomas mudou minha vida”, diz brasileiro poliglota que virou notícia no Japão
Júlio César Pereira da Silva, se destacou na TV japonesa por falar mais de 14 idiomas e atualmente integra a Associação Internacional de Hiperpoliglotas.
A súa entrevista completa (em português) aquí.
Interview with Matias Barmat (IndexMedia)
Interview with Matias Barmat, Director of Recruitment for HYPIA, courtesy from IndexMedia.
Read the complete interview here.
Trial & Expert: Dare to Learn a New Language
“You have to be a daredevil to speak a new language.”
Another interesting interview with Matias Barmat, Director of Recruitment for HYPIA, courtesy from Scott Bedgood
(Trial & Expert).
Read the complete interview here.
Mother Jones
"He Was Critically Ill in ICE Detention. A Translator May Have Saved His Life."
Article on the humanitarian work of Ariel Koren at Respond Crisis Translation